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January 22, 2017



     God says, "In 2017, I am causing you to be fruitful"!

God says, "I have planted within each of you seeds of destiny, my seeds of promise (or Prophetic Words),

and the seed of my written Word.

AND, IT IS TIME... it is time for those seeds to begin to grow, and to produce fruit!!!" And this year, you shall see fruitfulness abound!


Maximize Your Fruitfulness: (From the Garden)

     God wants to bring fruitfulness in your lives this year.

He also wants to remove any hindrances to that fruitfulness, so that you can grow into all the fullness of who you are created to be! God gave me some insight to share with you that will help you maximize your fruitfulness this year. I want to share it with you now.


    Have you ever wondered WHY some of your seeds, the promises, and the words you have received, have been dormant, and you have wondered why, and what to do about it?


Something that might help you to understand one of the reasons for this is that you have a part to play in the development of your seed......., just like farmers do.

Farmers must consistently till, cultivate, weed, and water what has been planted, and like faithful farmers, so must we!

The lack of cultivating, weeding, watering, etc.....  can hinder the growth and fruitfulness of the seeds planted in our garden hearts.


    But, there are keys to help us avoid those hindrances. These keys will maximize your fruitfulness!

I want to focus on one of these keys today.


KEY # 1-

     Fruitfulness begins with seed, and so this first key deals with seed.....specifically, what I like to call "unlocking your seed"!


What exactly is seed?

Simply defined, seed is a tiny plant embryo enclosed in a protective "seed coat".

The "seed coat" is what you see on the outside of a seed.


This "seed coat" is hard and protects the seed until conditions are favorable for germination and growth.

Sitting dormant within this seed coat, is an embryo.

This tiny little embryo contains all the DNA needed for that plant to become what it is intended or created to be!

And then, when conditions are right, and the hard "seed coat" softens,

then that tiny living embryo pushes out and begins to grow. This process is called germination. I like to call it "unlocking your seed"!

    If this opening if the seed coat is a first stage, then how do we get it to open?  What are the conditions which are necessary for this hard seed coat to soften so the embryo can emerge?


      There are several keys or conditions, but today we are focusing on.

This condition is called..... Water!

Thats right, water is required to soften the seed coat!

Water is also required in another way. It not only softens the seed coat, but also activates, or sends a signal to the living embryo to push through the softened seed coat and grow.

Lack of water, or dry soil, on the other hand prevents a seed from ever opening, thus keeping the embryo from immerging, growing, maturing, and producing fruit.


    How does this lack of water relate to us, and to the fruitfulness in our lives?

       Just as soil dryness hinders a seeds ability to open and grow, so spiritual dryness affects our ability to be fruitful!

In Luke 8, Jesus compares our hearts (spiritual) to soil.

If our soil (spiritual heart) is dry, the growth of the seeds planted in our hearts will remain dormant.

      However, if our soil/heart is moist and watered,

so that the seed coats are able to become soft,

then the seeds of promise and destiny, which have been planted in our hearts, can begin to emerge and grow into their intended purposes. They can mature, and they can bear fruit!

"Unlocking your seed" is the first stage to fruitfulness (once a seed is planted)!


    I want to encourage you today to check the condition of your heart soil?

If it's dry, you need to resolve in 2017 to stay amply watered!

How do you stay watered?

First, put aside distractions, and the busyness of life for a time, and spend time with Him and in His Word!

Let Him wash over you, and renew you!

Second, be planted by the river of God. Spend ample time in His Presence!

If you can't come to a Friday night service where you can soak, you can soak from home! 

God also sends the rain (Holy Spirit) to refresh us and water our soil (hearts),

Leviticus 26:4

Then I will give you your rains in their season, and the land shall yield its increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit

However, to get wet, we must be in a place that we can get rained on! Stop avoiding the rain! Instead, position yourselves to get wet!


     So, I want to really encourage you today to use this key from God.

Keep yourself spiritually moist in 2017 and not allow any spiritual dryness in your hearts, then watch your seed unlock, and the LIFE within that seed become activated, emerge, grow, and in due time, produce much fruit!

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