Oncologist Says Stage 4 Cancer No Longer Found!
On Dec 5th my 28 year old cousin was diagnosed with stage 4 Breast Cancer with cancer being found in her organs and bone marrow. Her vertebra was cracking & crumbling, she was not able to walk on her own. After 2 blood transfusions, 3 months of Chemo and after so much prayer from so many people including a night of intercession by laying hands on her from a few of us from VSSM.....on April 1st when she went for a PET/CT scan her oncologist told her "there was no trace of cancer found, this is a miracle!!!" - GLORY BE TO GOD! I HAVE TO SHOUT FROM THE ROOF TOPS HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD! HIS LOVE ENDURES FOREVER! HE REIGNS AND IS OUR HEALER, THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY AND FOREVER!!!