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Favor & Healings

Two months ago I went to Home Depot to get a gutter to fix the one that fell off my house. As I usually do I was walking thru the store praying for Favor, and direction on who I was suppose to ask about the gutter. I turned down the aisle and there was ONE gentleman worker by the gutters. He ask if he could help me and I said that I just needed about a 7ft gutter to replace the other one and it did not have to be fancy. He showed me one for $4.96, Praise GOD, then he ask me if I was a Christian of course I said yes, then he ask me who was going to put the gutter up for me and I said my brother. He stood there looking at me for a minute and ask how old is your brother, I laughed and said 65. Then he started telling about the ministry that he was involved with and the Lord took over from there. Then he said listen I get off at 2pm and I will come and install the gutter for you for nothing, then the HOLY SPIRIT hit both of us at the same time. To make a long story short he came an installed the gutter and told me when I got ready to get new gutters that he had a truck and would bring them to my house and install them for nothing. By then I was so really praising the LORD. We prayed together before he left and it was such a blessing from the LORD...

Back when I was in the School of Supernatural (in 2011-2012) I saw two healings. The first one was a friend of my sisters, I do not know her name. The doctors told her that she had Uterine Cancer and she would never have children and he gave her 6 months to live. Well that was a year ago and she has a baby girl now. PRAISE GOD PRAYER WORKS. My cousins brother was on dialysis and was rushed to the hospital. They checked him out and put him in ICU, put a feeding tube and tube down his throat to help him breath. They told the family that he would not make it thru the night. Well, 2 days later he was leaving the hospital with not complications and totally healed from that. I just got an e-mail from my cousin and she said that he is totally off the dialysis and the doctors are scratching their heads. I am PRAISING THE LORD!!!

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