Favor - Vacation Time for a Contract Worker
When I started attending VCC in Feb. 2010, at that time I had been unemployed due to layoff going on 8 months. (BTW my New Job Testimony has been posted on your FB). In June 2010, I found full-time, long-term contract work. A full year later, I was given $1.00 an hour raise! Because I work contract, I have no benefits, yet God put a check in my spirit not to complain. (I had this same check during my entire layoff). So I kept praying for vacation & vacation pay. Last month, I was told by the account manager who handles all the contractors that I will receive a week's vacation w/pay this year & then next year it will increase another week. I was so stunned b/c my employer told me that they don't give their contractors vacation w/pay.
To put this MIRACLE in perspective, I'm the only tecnical writer/editor on the Wheatstone LNG Plant Project being built in Onslow, Australia. This is the largest LNG plant being built in the world. This is the largest project ever at Bechtel, a world wide construction company, where I'm contracted in their Houston office. Also, my credentials didn't get me in the door. I've no degree in anything, I'm over 50 years old & my looks & personality didn't get me in either. Yet, I was put on this project nearly a year before the ground breaking commenced. So you can see this will be a very long-term project. So, you're probably wondering how in the world did I get this job? Nearly 12 years ago, I cried out to God & begged him for a skill. Just a skill. Any skill. I didn't care what kind, but "something I can do & do well" is what I kept asking. Well, I noticed the Lord opened up my understanding in applications where I soon started becoming proficient & then started mastering them, such as Word (any version), Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher. It didn't matter what application, if I worked it, I started mastering it. Then I was teamed up w/technical writers, editors, graphic people to support them & then I really started expanding my skill set. Then people started calling me "magic" lady, as a Christian that doesn't sound good, but when people got so frustrated with their documents that they wanted to shoot their monitor, they would come to me to fix their problem & that's how my name got around to others to fix their document problems. Now, that I'm on this project, people here have started calling me "magic" lady. A lot of times, I'll be sent a document w/a request, "work your magic". There have been quite a few people that I've been able to share w/them what I just now shared w/you where God will give you a skill (or skill set) if you ask & how God will open doors for you that wouldn't otherwise ever get opened!